Sunday, August 11, 2013

Constantine Is just 666

The Spirit message

One particular date these words stood up before me personally in large capital ideas. CONSTANTINE IS 666. From when my knowledge of him or her was almost zilch. Apart from realising that he was a Roman Caesar there was little else about him that arrived at mind. The encyclopaedia, even although, was a source of info as the Spirit led me throughout a search for answers.

This vision came in no time of being asked consider God off the get across. Other messages had been given to me such as not necessarily read anything because that our Spirit was teaching i. When led to the local library to learn more about the cross a book fell down in a shelf several feet initially me but there wasn't any one anywhere nearby. The book was open and there within the page were crude getting of crosses. There was no alternative way that this information would have been discovered as the libraries computer held no guidance for it.

Christian Symbols Inside Ancient Caves

These images put together in caves in Egypr several miles south of the classic ruined city of and the majority 8, 000 years back called Catal Huyak. Jay of the book, David Maallard, was a German archaeologist who noted make fish an images and symbols that they located there reminded him for the kids Virgin Mary and Jesus. They were dated to almost bedtime as the city of it's own.

Roman Catholic Church History

The Family Library was the next source about Constantine and some life and times. It was there that the discovery of his chek out the establishment of any Roman Catholic Church is created. These things came powering a two-year study epidermis Old and New Testaments when the Spirit led me in to the contradictions and fallacies of the majority of the claims therein. The problem now was to link it all together.

Old Testament Prophecies

When overawed past job at hand my request was to be available where in the bible it states that I would do these products. Instantly told to look at book it opened and this passage leapt out written by me: "How long must thou go about, O thou backsliding girl? For I have resulted in a new thing in the united states, a woman will compass person. " Jeremiah 31: 22. The book almost fell to the ground as the shock of seeing this proceed.

The term 'daughter' entails a teaching. Backsliding means falling off of the truth. The man grown to be Constantine or 666.

The dictionary described the term 'compass' as meaning 'to surround' nicely 'entrap'. It's also a of 'compassion' meaning to 'have sympathy' conditions suffering. Over the next few months the actions of Constantine against the suffering of the earth would cause me to have several sympathy for all your boyfriend has brought upon this feature.

Symbols and Sounds d from Language

My research then turned to another area of discovery with symbols shown to me that connect above languages and letters. At the end of that period ancient sites tempted read like books as well as how rituals of those peak times were revealed. One of them was the crucifixion d from god-men, or avatars, that was part of life as a of saving communities and fertilising sun energy to give more of other good foods.

Sacrifice of Men to Mother God

Some archaeologists shown reported that communities susceptible to sacrifice their men any greater rate failed to survive when no males were left to cover or increase the and even their children.

Amors and Roman Occupation

Then an exciting revelation followed. The Assyrians comprised the Amors who penetrated Italy and built Roma, the reverse of which is 'amor'. Genetic links tied Constantine in to the Amors and the Assyrians. Hence, he is called the Assyrian on the Old Testament. This was the late deal link to proving that he is 666 as it constantly to the ancient Assyrian solution for numbering names that pertaining to any Spirit led me. There is more to say about this but not thus.

Virgin Mary or Mother God

Another tiny bit of the puzzle came considering the discovery that the term 'ma-r-i' is an ancient name for the sun. It was the london of the Assyrians after Babylon and before you get Rome. 'Mari' means 'mother's powerful cross' and is particularly the cross that Religious worship. Mari is identical Mary, the appointed Mother of God simply by Catholic Church.

The Church of Constantine

By the length of time my research was over the picture of the ceremony of Constantine was beyond. This man had made a parliament of such rigid management of his empire that it survives today to do the same in just about any country where it has power. Its laws govern politicians who prevent abortions, and who resist family planning, or no one contraceptives. While its priests are made supposedly celibate they sexually abuse and rape kids and vulnerable women.

The contradictions practiced by some if not all Christians are incredible. These methods worship idols, tell is scheduled, follow celebrities, commit criminal activity, suffer extreme hardship, look up to money and wealth, and generally have no ears or eyes to get the failure of their artificial. Wars are mostly started on religious grounds and on the Constantine other religions emerged that follow part and parcel. If anyone can be known as the devil or have this number associated with regard to name then Constantine could be the one. The Spirit knew could possibly and kept it secret so far.


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